Book Chapters
Mansouri, F. (2019), ‘Introduction: Framing the Debate Around Islamic Theology, Radicalisation and Violent Extremism’. In Mansouri, F & Keskin, Z.(Eds.), ‘Contesting the Theological Foundation of Islamism and Violent Extremism’, Palgrave MacMillan. pp1-12.
Mansouri, F. (2018), ‘Forward’. In Armillei, R. ‘The ‘Camps System’ in Italy, Corruption, Inefficiencies and Practices of Resistance’. Palgrave MacMillan. ppvii-viii.
Mansouri, F. (2017), 'Introduction: the conceptual conundrum around intercultural dialogue'. In Mansouri, F. (Ed) 'Interculturalism at the Crossroads: Theory, policy and practice'. UNESCO Publishing, Paris, pp13-22.
Mansouri, F. and Arber, R. (2017), 'Conceptualizing intercultural understanding within international contexts: challenges and possibilities for education’. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), 'Interculturalism at the Crossroads: theory, policy and practice'. MUP/UNESCO, Paris, pp25-46.
Mansouri, F. and Zapata-Barrero, R. (2017), 'Postscript: What future for intercultural dialogue?'. In Mansouri, F. (Ed) 'Interculturalism at the Crossroads: Theory, policy and practice', UNESCO Publishing, Paris, pp319-331.
Mansouri F. (2017), 'Muslim Migration to Australia: History and Contemporary Social Experiences'. In Faraj, R. (Ed) 'Muslims in Australia: history and policies of multiculturalism', Al-Mesbar Centre, Dubai, pp37-54.
Tittensor, D & Mansouri, F. (2017), ‘The Feminisation of Migration? A Critical Overview’. In Tittensor, D and Mansouri, F. (Eds), ‘Women and Migration in the Global South’. Palgrave MacMillan.pp11-25
Mansouri, F. and Tittensor, D. (2017), ‘Introducing and Contextualising Feminised Migration’. Tittensor, D and Mansouri, F. (Eds), ‘Women and Migration in the Global South’. Palgrave MacMillan, pp1-10.
Mansouri, F. (2016), ‘The Prospect for Democratization in the Middle East Post-Arab Spring’. In A. Saikal (Ed), ‘The Arab World and Iran: A Turbulent Region in Transition’. Palgrave, pp9-28.
Mansouri, F. (2015), ‘The Multicultural Experiment: Premises, Promises, and Challenges’. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations’. New York, Springer, pp. 3-15.
Effeney. E., Mansouri, F. & Mikola, M. (2015), ‘Migrant youth and social policy in multicultural Australia: exploring cross-cultural networking’. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations’. New York, Springer, pp185-203.
Mansouri, F., Tittensor, D. and Armillei, R. (2015), 'Cultural diversity through transformative action research: translating ideas into real world impact.' In UNESCO (Ed), ‘Agree to Differ’, Tudor Rose Publishing, UK, pp61-64.
Mansouri, F. and Muraca, P. (2014), ‘Towards Post-multiculturalism? Elite Discourse, Post-modernism and the Challenge of Diversity in Multi-ethnic Societies’ In Mansouri, F. & B. E. de B’beri (2014), ‘Global Perspectives on the Politics of Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: A Case Study Analysis’. Routledge, pp230-240.
Eberi, B. E. and Mansouri, F. (2014), ‘Contextualising Multiculturalism in the 21st Century’. In Mansouri, F. and de B’beri, B. E. (2014), ‘Global Perspectives on the Politics of Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: A Case Study Analysis’. Routledge, pp1-13.
Mansouri, F., (2013), ‘Transnational Practices, active citizenship and Muslim migrant integration in the West’. In Steiner, N., Mason, R. and Hayes, A. (edited), ‘Migration and Insecurity: Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Transnational Era’. London, Routledge, pp127-145.
Mansouri, F., (2013), 'Schooling, Education and Migration'. In Immanuel Ness (ed) 'Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration'. London, UK: Wiley Publishers, Volume V, pp2701-2705.
Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V. (2012), ‘Introduction: The Presence and Visibility of Muslims in the West’. In Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V (Eds) ‘Muslims in the West and the Challenges of Belonging’. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp1-9.
Mansouri, F. (2012), ‘Muslim Migration to Australia and the Question of Identity and Belonging’. In Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V. (Eds) ‘Muslims in the West and the Challenges of Belonging’. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp13-33.
Isakhan, B., Mansouri, F, and Akbarzadeh, S. (2012), ‘Introduction: People Power and the Arab Revolutions: towards a new conceptual framework of democracy in the middle East’. In Isakhan, B., Mansouri, F. and Akbarzadeh, S. (Eds), ‘ The Arab Revolutions in context: Civil Society and Democracy in a Changing Middle east’. Melbourne University Press, pp1-19.
Akbarzadeh, S., Mansouri, F., Isakhan, B. (2012), ‘Conclusion: the Promises and Challenges of the Arab Spring’. In Isakhan, B., Mansouri, F. and Akbarzadeh, S. (Eds), ‘ The Arab Revolutions in context: Civil Society and Democracy in a Changing Middle east’. Melbourne University Press, pp153-159.
Lobo, M and Mansouri, F. (2012), ‘’Hoops” and ‘Bridges’: Muslims and the Australian Way of Life’. In Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V. (Eds) ‘Muslims in the West and the Challenges of Belonging’. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp114-133.
Kebler, J, Liebner, M. & Mansouri, F. (2011), ‘Teaching’. In Pienemann, M. and Kebler, J. (Eds), ‘Studying Processability Theory’. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp149-156.
Mansouri, F. and Lobo, M. (2011), ‘Introduction: Social inclusion- Exploring the concept’. In Mansouri, F. & Lobo, M. (Eds), Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations. London, UK: Ashgate, pp1-10.
Mansouri, F.; Lobo, M.; and Latrache, R. (2011), 'Negotiating norms of inclusion: Comparative perspectives from Muslim community leadership in the West.' In Mansouri, F. and Lobo, M. (Eds), Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations: looking through the lens of social inclusion. London, UK: Ashgate, pp129-139.
Mansouri. F. (2010), ‘Local governance, intercultural tension and the racialisation of Muslims in the West'. In Yasmeen, S. (Ed) ‘‘Muslims in Australia: the Dynamics of Exclusion and Inclusion’, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp. 250-269.
Mansouri, F. (2009), ‘Introduction: Contextualising migrant youth experiences in émigré societies’. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Youth Identity and Migration: Culture, Values and Social Connectedness’, Common Ground Publishers, Melbourne. pp1-8.
Mansouri, F. and Miller, M. (2009), ‘Migrant youth, cultural Identity and media representations’. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Youth Identity and Migration: Culture, Values and Social Connectedness’, Common Ground Publishers, Melbourne. pp45-62
Mansouri, F. and Francis, S. (2009), 'Migrant youth, cultural adaptation and social policy'. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Youth Identity and Migration: Culture, Values and Social Connectedness’, Common Ground Publishers, Melbourne, 11-23,
Mansouri, F. Jenkins, L. and Leach, M. (2009), 'Cultural diversity and migrant youth in secondary schools’. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Youth Identity and Migration: Culture, Values and Social Connectedness’, Common Ground Publishers, Melbourne,105-118.
Mansouri, F. & Akbarzadeh, S. (2008), ‘Political violence and the struggle for ideals’, in Mansouri, F. and Akbarzadeh, S. (Eds), ‘Political Islam and Human Security’. Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, pp1-4.
Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Transformative Pedagogies for Cultural Difference and Inclusive Schooling’. In Kassabgy, N. & Elshimi, A. (Eds), ‘Sustaining excellence in communicating across the curriculum: cross-institutional experiences and best practices’, Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle UK, pp164-189.
Mansouri, F. & Hakansson, G. (2007), ‘Conceptualising intra-stage sequencing in the learner language’, in Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Second language acquisition research: Theory construction and testing’. Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, pp95-117.
Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Second language acquisition research: from theory formation to theory application’, in Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Second language acquisition research: Theory construction and testing’. Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, pp1-12.
Akbarzadeh, S. & Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Contextualizing Neo-Islamism’. In Akbarzadeh, S. & Mansouri, F (Ed), ‘Islam and Political Violence: Muslim Diaspora and Radicalism in the West’. I.B.Tauris Publishers: London/New York, pp1-12.
Mansouri, F. (2006), ‘Middle Eastern Refugees in Fortress Australia’. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Australia and the Middle East: A Frontline Relationship’. I.B.Tauris Publishers: London/New York, pp85-100.
Mansouri, F. and Percival-Wood, S. (2006), ‘Exploring the Australia-Middle East Connection’. In Mansouri, F. (Ed), ‘Australia and the Middle East: A Frontline Relationship’. I.B.Tauris Publishers: London/New York, pp1-17.
Mansouri, F. and Sankari, J. (2006), ‘Australia’s Economic Interests in the Middle East and the Human Rights Challenge’. In Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Australia and the Middle East: A Frontline Relationship’. I.B.Tauris Publishers: London/New York, pp169-189.
Mansouri, F. & Akbarzadeh, S. (2006), ‘Islamism and Political Violence in the world word order’, in Mansouri, F. and Akbarzadeh, S (Eds), ‘Political Islam and Human Security’. Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, pp2-14.
Mansouri, F. (2005), ‘Citizenship, identity and belonging in contemporary Australia’. In Akbarzadeh, S. & Yasmeen, S. (Eds), ‘Islam and the West: Reflections from Australia’, UNSW Press, pp149-164.
Mansouri, F. (2005), ‘Agreement morphology in Arabic as a second language: typological features and their processing implications’. In Pienemann, M. (Ed), ‘Cross-linguistic Aspects of Processability Theory’. John Benjamins Publishers: Amsterdam, pp117-153.
Mansouri, F. & Leach, M. (2003), ‘Temporary protection of refugees: Australian policy and international comparisons’. In ‘Critical Perspectives on Refugee Policy in Australia’, Centre For Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR),Deakin University: Melbourne,pp103-112.
Mansouri, F. (2002), ‘Exploring the interface between syntax and morphology in second language development’. In Di Biase, B. (Ed), ‘Developing a second language’,Melbourne: Language Australia Publishers, pp59-73.
Mansouri, F. (2000), Grammatical Markedness and Information Processing in the Acquisition of Arabic as a Second Language. Lincom Studies in Language Acquistion. Lincom Europa.