Australia’s Foreign Minister has delivered the 2017 Alfred Deakin Institute Oration

Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister the Hon Julie Bishop has urged Australians to be ambitious when considering their vision for their country’s role in the region at the 2017 Alfred Deakin Institute (ADI) Oration in Geelong.

Welcoming Ms Bishop, ADI Director Professor Fethi Mansouri, said the Institute was proud to be facilitating such an important conversation and highlighted the key role the Institute’s partnerships played in supporting its research.

“In fact, Minister, there are a number of projects around our immediate region, as well as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region which have been conducted with support from your Department. In particular, these include the Council for Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR), the Australia India Institute, the Australia Thailand Institute and the Australia China Council,” he said.

Professor Mansouri noted that projects included those directed at countering violent extremism in the region and others aimed at building leadership capacity among young people and women.

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Professor Fethi Mansouri was awarded a prestigious grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC) 2018 Discovery scheme.


Time to revitalise multiculturalism in Australia: Deakin report featuring Professor Fethi Mansouri