Media Appearances
Interview Transcripts
SBS, 'Settlement Guide: Australia's political system' (6 June 2016)
SBS, SBS to attend international SCOA conference, (4 May 2016)
SBS, 'journalist Manpreet Singh spoke to some of the key participants in the forum to explore their views about inclusiveness and Australian diversity' (20 October 2011)
ABC Radio The World Today, 'Islamic schools under pressure to monitor curriculum' (5 August 2005)
ABC Radio National The World Today, interview RE the release of Douglas Wood in Iraq 'Wood release: luck or skill' (15 July 2005).
ABC Radio National AM program,'10 minute interview RE the upsurge of violence in Iraq following the new government is sworn in'.(5 May 2005)
ABC Radio National PM 10 minute interview on the Arab summit 'Iraqi stalemate broken' (5 April 2005)
ABC Radio National PM 'Peace back on Arab league agenda: Experts' (23 March 2005)
ABC RN 'The Temporary Protection Visa Must Go!' (6 August 2004)
ABC National interview with Mark Colven (8 minutes), for the PM program. (24 March 2004)
ABC Radio The world today, World at Noon Program with John Highfield, Interview 7 minutes RE: Cultural sensitivities in the War on Iraq. (8 April 2003)
ABC Radio The world today, Interview 10 minutes RE: 'Arab media networks diverify war coverage' (23 March 2003)
Azernews, 'Fethi Mansouri 'Baku Process' message instils deep hope to jointly solve problems' (4 May 2017)
Hizmet Movement news portal, 'Launch of the Fethullah Gulen Chair in Islamic studies and Dialogue at Deakin University' (5 December 2016).
QACC, Queensland African Communities Council 'Celebration of African Australians Inc. Supporters.' (November 2016)
Australian Muslim Times, 'Refuting Foundations of Extremism' (21 Oct 2016).
SBS News Story, 'Almost 60 per cent of Australians would be concerned if a close relative married a Muslim, a university study into Islamophobia has found' ( 27 September 2016), 'Aussies concerned over Muslim marriage' (27 September 2016).
ANSW Newsroom, 'From the US election to the politics of ‘justice’ and ‘rights’ (20 Sep 2016).
Eureka, 'Pauline's peddling the hate again' (15 Sep 2016).
Voices against bigotry, 'Whose Problem is the ‘Problem with Islam’?' (13 June 2016).
SBS news interview, 'Interview with Jessica Minshall, on ‘migrant youth and the Federal Election’. (19 May 2016)
The Congregation of Mark the Evangelist Incorporating Uniting care Hotham mission 'Public Discussion: Whose Problem is Islam?' (6 May 2016).
Arena, 'Public Discussion: Whose Problem is the ‘Problem with Islam’?' (April 2016)
Victorian Multicultural commission, 'Generational Gap for multicultural young people' (21 Jan 2016).
The Australian newspaper, ‘Religion Helps Muslim to Belong’, a story by Jennine Khalik on the Muslim Religiosity project.' (1 December 2015)
Southern Perspectives, 'An-Other way of being in the contemporary world' (21 August 2015).
Council for Australian – Arab relations, ADI “Round table: Democratic transition in Tunisia and the role of civil society” (23 July 2015).
The Age, 'Opinion Piece: ‘Resilience of Carthage has lessons for Tunisia's leaders’. (5 April 2015)
The Age, 'Resilience of Carthage has lessons for Tunisia's leaders ' (5 April 2015)
The Age, 'Opinion Piece: ‘Social media role in fight against global terror must be recognised and matched as IS wields new weapons’. (15 March 2015)
The Australian Human Rights Commission, keynote address to “Reconfiguring Anti-racism: Tolerance, Harmony, Inclusion or Justice?” conference. (9 December 2013)
The Conversation, 'Back to the future on temporary protection visas' (27 Aug 2013.)
National Asylum Summit, Participants (2013)
World Politics Review, 'published interview on ‘Australia’s Relations with the Middle East’ (25 September 2012)
ABC Opinion, ' Angels or Animals? The problem of Muslim stereotyping By Rachel Woodlock' (3 April 2012)
Great Southern Star newspaper, '‘Raising refugee awareness’. Interview by Tessa Hayward.' Page 47 (22 November 2011)
Hume Leader, Interview with Kate Swan on funding cutes to community organisations. ' Cutting state’s culture’. (5 July 2011)
The Age, Interview with Deb Anderson ‘What is missing in the UN Millennium Development Goals?’. (14 June 2011)
The Age newspaper, ‘UN Migration talks’. Feature article p.14 on developing MFGs in the area of migration and education for the UN Alliance of Civilisations. (8 March 2011)
ABC TV 7.30 Report, Producer/interviewer Sarah Dingle. ‘The Revolution is just a tweet away: social media in the Arab world’.(9 February 2011)
Eighth international conference' New directions in the humanities' (29 June – 2 July 2010).
Southern Free Times QLD, feature article ‘schools the major site for youth racism, new report finds’, re: ‘Racism Among Young Australians’.(19 November 2009)
The Age, article by Miki Perkins, regarding the ‘Racism Among Young Australians’ report. (19 November 2009)
The Age, feature article by Bridie Smith, ‘Study laments racism’. (5 September 2007)
The Australian Research Council Discovery magazine, feature article ‘Promoting social cohesion through understanding and education’ pp3-4. (Winter 2007)
The Age interview with Margaret Cook, ‘Racism in schools 'underestimated: Arab-Australian Students get help in tackling bigotry’. (29 May 2006)
The Age interview with Barney Zwartz for a special report titled ‘Backlash uniting Muslims’.(26 November 2005)
The Age interview with Russel Skelton for a special report ‘Muslims sound alarm over schools’. (31 July 2005)
The Age, Review of Overland Article ‘Strange Words: Refugee Perspective’ (with M.,P. Leach), Reviewer Catherine Ford. (29 November 2003)
The Age, interview included in article by Gary Tippet. ‘Tests on Saddam tape show dictator may live’, (13 May 2003)
The Age (Front Page) interview included in article by Baghdad correspondent Ed O’Loughlin. ‘Saddam alive and on tape?’,(7 May 2003)
The Age, 'The bread and butter of life in limbo' (3 July 2002)
The Age, Coverage of Refugee Report Launch. Article by Kerry Taylor (p. 4) titled: ‘Call for Visa Inquiry’. (30 April 2002)
SBS World news, 'Not wanted here': New report details first-hand experiences of Islamophobic attacks' 10 July 2017
SBS World news, 'Australians unlikely to intervene in Islamophobic attacks' 10 July 2017
Asia-South Pacific Perspectives (Regional Session 3) - UNAOC, 5th Global Forum, Vienna, 28 Feb 2013
ADI Director Professor Fethi Mansouri - ADI Policy Forum on Treaty. Uploaded by ADI on 2017-01-20.
"These are our two grand narratives. The inclusive tale of who we are. First Nations peoples and the people of many nations bearing stories from many worlds" Dr Arnold Zabl.
Our panel - hosted by Hamish McDonald, and comprising Dr Sally Totman, Dr Larry Stillman and Professor Fethi Mansouri - discuss the political upheaval in Egypt and what its implications will be for Egypt, North Africa and the world.
Our panel of Fethi Mansouri, Rima Ahmad Alaadeen, Samah Hadid and Robert Bowker, led by moderator Hamish McDonald
Selected International Media
Khazanah, '60 Persen Warga Australia Cemaskan Kerabatnya Menikah dengan Muslim' (26 September 2016)
Detik news(In Malay), 'Meluruskan Citra Islam untuk Hilangkan Islamophobia di Australia' (13 June 2016), 'Diskusi Lintas Agama di Australia Untuk Meluruskan Citra Islam' (14 June 2016)
Haber 46 (Turkish), 'Avustralya'da, Gülen Kürsüsü'nün ikincisi de faaliyete başladı' (17 July 2015)