

authored Scholarly Books :

Mansouri, F. (forthcoming), ‘Globalisation and the politics of forced migration’. 

Mansouri, F., Jenkins, L.; Leach, M. & Walsh L. (2009), ‘Building bridges: Creating a culture of diversity’.  Melbourne, Melbourne University Press.

Mansouri, F. & Percival-Wood, S. (2008), ‘Identity, education and belonging: Arab Muslim youth in contemporary Australia’.  Melbourne, Melbourne University Press.

Leach, M.P. and Mansouri, F. (2004), Lives in Limbo: Voices of Refugee Under Protection. Sydney,  University of NSW Press. 


edited Scholarly Books:

Mansouri, F. ‘Intercultural dialogue: theory, policy and practice’. (in press), Melbourne: MUP/UNESCO (contract signed 21/10/2016).

Tittensor, D and Mansouri, F. ‘Women and Migration in the Global South’. (in press), Palgrave MacMillan (accepted 30/07/2015).

Mansouri, F. (2015), ‘The multicultural challenge: cultural, religious and political contestations'. New York, Springer.

Mansouri, F. and de B’beri, B. E. (2014) ‘Global Perspectives on the Politics of Multiculturalism in the 21st Century:  A Case Study Analysis’. Routledge, New York.

Isakhan, B., Mansouri, F. & Akbarzadeh, S. (2012) ‘The Arab Revolutions in Context: Civil Society and Democracy in a Changing Middle East’. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.

Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V. (2012), ‘Muslims in the West and the challenges of belonging’. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.

Mansouri, F. (2011), ‘Australia and the Middle East: A Front-line Relationship’. (second edition) Tauris Academic Studies, London, UK.

Mansouri, F. and Lobo, M. (2011), ‘Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations: Looking through the Lens of Social Inclusion’. Ashgate, London

Mansouri, F., Jenkins, L.; Leach, M. & Walsh, L. (2009), ‘Building bridges: Creating a culture of diversity’. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.

Mansouri, F. (2009), ‘Youth Identity and Migration: Culture, Values and Social Connectedness’. Common Ground Publishing, Altona, Vic.

Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Second language acquisition research: theory construction and testing’. Newcastle/UK, Cambridge Scholars Press.

Akbarzadeh, S. and Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Islam and Political Violence: Muslim Diaspora and Radicalism in the West’. I.B.Tauris, London.

Mansouri, F. and  Akbarzadeh, S. (2006), ‘Political Islam and Human Security’. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle/UK,




Refereed Articles:

Mansouri, F and Armillei, R 2016, ‘The democratic ‘transition’ in post-revolution Tunisia: conditions for successful ‘consolidation’ and future prospects’, R/evolutions: Global Trends & Regional Issues, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 156-181.

Mansouri, F., Lobo, M. and Johns, A. (2016), 'Grounding religiosity in urban space: Insights from Multicultural Melbourne.' AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER, VOL. 47, NO. 3, 295–310.

Walton, J, Paradies, Y. and Mansouri, F. (2016),  'Towards reflexive ethnicity: museums as sites of intercultural encounter'. British Educational Research Journal (BERJ). DOI10.1002/berj.3241

Mansouri, F. and Johns, A. (2016), ‘Social networking practices and perceptions of intergenerational difference among migrant youth in Australia’. Journal of Sociology, pp1–18; DOI: 10.1177/1440783316636244

Mansouri, F. and Kirpitchenko, L. (2015), ‘Practices of active citizenship among migrant youth: beyond conventionalities’. Social Identities. DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2015.1119680

Vergani, M,  Johns, A., Lobo, M. and Mansouri, F. (2016),  ‘A study of Islamic religiosity and civic engagement in Melbourne’. Journal of Sociology. DOI: 10.1177/1440783315621167

Mansouri, F., Lobo, M. and Johns, A. (2015), ‘Addressing the “Muslim Question”’. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Volume 35, Issue 2, pp165-170.

Johns, A., Mansouri, F. and Lobo, M. (2015),  ‘ Religiosity, Citizenship and Belonging: The Everyday Experiences of Young Australian Muslims’.  Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs Volume 35, Issue 2, pp171-190. DOI 10.1080/13602004.2015.1046262

Andre, V., Mansouri, F. and Lobo, M. (2015),  'A Fragmented Discourse of Religious Leadership in France: Muslim Youth between Citizenship and Radicalization.' Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Volume 35, Issue 2, pp296-313. DOI 10.1080/13602004.2015.1046743

Mikola, M, & Mansouri, F (2015), ‘Race Lines and New Spaces of Political Action Among Migrant Youth’, Journal of Youth Studies, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 500-514. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2014.992313.

Mansouri, F. (2014), ‘The Global Citizenship Project: From Words to Action’. Published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, © UNESCO, Paris.

Marangu, E., Sands, N., Rolley, J., Ndetej, J. and Mansouri, F. (2014),  ‘Mental Health Care in Kenya: Exploring optimal conditions for capacity building’.  Journal: African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine. 6(1), 1-5pp. DOI 10.4102/phcfm.v6i1.682

Kirpitchenko, L. and Mansouri, F. (2014), ‘Social engagement among migrant youth: attitudes and meanings’. Social Inclusion, 2(2),pp17-27. DOI 10.17645/si.v2i2.163

Mansouri, F. and Mikola, M. (2014), ‘Crossing boundaries: Acts of citizenship among migrant youth in Melbourne’. Social Inclusion, 2(2), pp28-37. DOI:

Effeney, L. and Mansouri, F. (2014), 'Deterrence policies and asylum seekers: the case of Australia’.  International Journal of Migration and Border Studies (IJMBS), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp217-230. DOI:

Mansouri, F., Jenkins, L.; and Walsh, L. (2012), ‘Racism and its impact on the health and wellbeing of Australian youth: empirical and theoretical insights’. Education and Society, Vol. 30, No1, pp75-94. DOI 10.7459/es/30.1.06

Mansouri, F. and Pietsch, J. (2012), ‘Local Governance and the Challenge of Religious Pluralism in Liberal Democracies’. Journal of Intercultural Studies, Vol. 32, No 3, pp279-292.

Mansouri, F. Lobo, M. (2011) ‘Intercultural harmony and understanding in the city of Whittlesea’. Refereed Proceedings of the State of Australian Cities National Conference, Australian Sustainable Cities and Regions Network (ASCRN), Melbourne, 1-12 [E1].

Mansouri, F. and Jenkins, L . (2010), ‘Schools as Sites of Race Relations and Intercultural Tension’. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. Vol. 35, 7, November 2010, pp93-108. DOI 10.14221/ajte.2010v35n7.8

Ibrahim, H., Sgro, P., Mansouri, F. & Jubb, C. (2010), Refugees’ labour market access in Australia’. Citizenship and Globalisation Research Papers, Issue 1. N.4, 84-116.

Mansouri, F., Leach, M. & Nethery, A. (2010), ‘Temporary Protection and the Refugee Convention in Australia, Denmark and Germany’. Refuge, Canada’s Periodical on Refugees, Vol. 26, No1, pp135-147. DOI 10.1111/j.1468-2435.2008.00483.x

Kamp, A. & Mansouri, F. (2010), ‘Constructing Inclusive Education in a Neo-Liberal Context: a Case Study from Australia’. British Educational Research Journal, 36:5,733-744.  DOI 10.1080/01411920903142958

Mansouri, F., Leach, M.P. (2009), ‘The Evolution of the Temporary Protection Visa Regime in Australia’. International Migration Journal, Volume 47, Number 2, pp. 101-126(26). DOI 10.1111/j.1468-2435.2008.00483.x

Mansouri, F. & Hakansson, G. (2007), ‘Intra-stage sequences in second language acquisition: empirical evidence from Swedish and Arabic data’. ARAL.

Mansouri, F. and Percival-Wood, S. (2007), ‘The policy of values and the value of policy: managing cultural diversity in Australian schools’. Education and Society, Vol. 25, No2, pp.51-72. DOI 10.7459/es/25.2.04

Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Unlocking Australia’s relationship with the Middle East’. Australian Journal of Political Science. Vol.42, No.1, pp. 129-142. DOI 10.1080/10361140601158583

Mansouri, F. & Cauchi, S. (2007), ‘A psychological perspective on Australia’s asylum policies’. International Migration, Vol. 45, No.1, pp. 123-150. DOI 10.1111/j.1468-2435.2007.00398.x

Mansouri. F. & Kamp, A. (2007), ‘Structural Deficiency or Cultural Racism: The Educational and Social Experiences of Arab-Australian Youth’.  Australian Journal of Social Issues. Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 87-102.

Mansouri, F., Leach, M.P. & Traies, S. (2006), 'Acculturation Experiences of Iraqi Refugees in Australia: The Impact of Visa Category'. Journal of Intercultural Studies. Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 393-412. DOI: 10.1080/07256860600936903

Mansouri, F. & Cauchi, S. (2006), ‘The psychological impact of extended temporary protection’. Refuge, Canada’s Periodical on Refugees. Vol. 23, No. 2, pp.81-94. DOI 10.1111/j.1468-2435.2007.00398.x

Mansouri, F. (2006), ‘Community language programs in Australian schools: policy at the cross-roads’. International Journal of Learning, Common Ground Publishers. Volume 12,  Online address: 

Mansouri, F. (2005), ‘Race, Identity and Education Achievements Among Arab-Australian Students’. International Journal of Learning, Common Ground Publishers. Volume 11,  ISSN 1447-9540 (Online)  

Mansouri, F. & Trembath, A. (2005), ‘Multicultural education and racism: The case of Arab-Australian students in contemporary Australia'’. International Education Journal. Volume 6(4), 516-529.

Mansouri, F. & Duffy, L. (2005), ‘The effectiveness of developmental readiness in grammar instruction: the case of English syntax’. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. Vol. 28(1),  81-99.

Leach, M.P. & Mansouri, F. (2003), ‘Strange Words: Refugee Perspectives on Government and Media Stereotypes’. Overland, No: 172, pp:19-26.

Mansouri, F. (2002), ‘The legacy of Australia's treatment of onshore asylum seekers’. MOTS PLURIELS, Refereed Electronic and International Journal, No 21. May 2002, ISSN 13276220. © Fethi Mansouri.

Mansouri, F. (2001), ‘The development of Arabic interlanguage morphology’. The International Journal of Languages and Linguistics, no. 7, pp: 95-113.

Mansouri, F. (2000), ‘The potential for civil society in the Middle East: Historical precedents and post-Colonial trends”. Refereed conference proceedings, Citizenship and Human Rights Centre. Deakin University Press: Melbourne, pp:126-133.

Mansouri, F. (1999), ‘Interlanguage Syntax in Arabic as a Second Language: A Processability Theory Approach’. The International Journal of Languages and Linguistics, No 4, pp. 45-72.

Mansouri, F. & Kasem, A.H. (1998), ‘An Integrated Approach to the Teaching of Diglossic Languages in a Foreign Setting: The case of Arabic’. The Journal of Arabic, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 47-68

Mansouri, F. (1997), ‘From Emergence to Acquisition: Developmental issues in Agreement Marking among Australian Learners of Arabic’. The Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL), vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 85-106.

Mansouri, F. (1995), ‘The acquisition of Subject‑Verb agreement in Arabic as a second Language’. The Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL), vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 65‑85.


journal Special Issues Guest Edited

Mansouri, F.  Lobo, M. & Johns, A. (2015), "Addressing the Muslim Question". In The "Muslim Question: Re-balancing the Debate on Citizenship and Belonging in the Wes”.  Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Edited Special Issue,  Volume 35, 2015 - Issue 2

Mansouri, F and Halafoff, A. (2014) Introduction ‘Migrant Youth, Intercultural Relations and the Challenge of Social Inclusion’. Edited special issue of ‘Social Inclusion’, vol 2. Issue 2, Cogitatio Press.pp1-4. DOI 10.17645/si.v2i2.161


Book Chapters:

Mansouri, F. and Arber, R. (in press), Conceptualising Intercultural Understanding in Education: Challenges and Possibilities. In Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Intercultural Understanding: Theory, Policy and Practice’.  MUP/UNESCO, Paris. (Accepted 21/10/2016).

Mansouri F. (in press), Muslim Migration to Australia: History and Contemporary Social Experiences. In Islam and Muslims in Australia (Rita Farah, edited) Mesbar Publishing, Dubai. (Accepted 19/9/2016).

Tittensor, D & Mansouri, F. (in press), ‘The Feminisation of Migration? A Critical Overview’. In Tittensor, D and Mansouri, F. (edited, in press), ‘Women and Migration in the Global South’. Palgrave MacMillan (contract signed 30/07/2015).

Mansouri, F. and Tittensor, D. (in press), ‘Introducing and Contextualising Feminised Migration’.  Tittensor, D and Mansouri, F. (edited, in press), ‘Women and Migration in the Global South’. Palgrave MacMillan (contract signed 30/07/2015).

Mansouri, F. (2016), ‘The Prospect for Democratisation in Middle East Post-Arab Spring’. In A. Saikal (edited), ‘The Arab World and Iran: A Turbulent Region in Transition’. Palgrave, NY pp9-28.

Mansouri, F. (2015), ‘The Multicultural Experiment: Premises, Promises, and Challenges’. In Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations’. New York, Springer, pp. 3-16.

Effeney. E.,  Mansouri, F.  & Mikola, M. (2015),  ‘Migrant youth and social policy in multicultural Australia: exploring cross-cultural networking’. In Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations’. New York, Springer, pp341-376.

Mansouri, F., Tittensor, D. and Armillei, R. (2015), 'Cultural diversity through transformative action research: translating ideas into real world impact.' In UNESCO (edited), ‘Agree to Differ’, pp61-64. Tudor Rose Publishing, UK.

Mansouri, F. and Muraca, P. (2014), ‘Towards Post-multiculturalism? Elite Discourse, Post-modernism and the Challenge of Diversity in Multi-ethnic Societies’ In Mansouri, F. and B. E. de B’beri (2014), ‘Global Perspectives on the Politics of Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: A Case Study Analysis’. Routledge, pp230-240.

Eberi, B. E. and Mansouri, F. (2014), ‘Contextualising Multiculturalism in the 21at Century’. In Mansouri, F. and de B’beri, B. E. (2014), ‘Global Perspectives on the Politics of Multiculturalism in the 21st Century:  A Case Study Analysis’. Routledge, pp1-13.

Mansouri, F., (2013), ‘ Transnational Practices, active citizenship and Muslim migrant integration in the West’. In Steiner, N., Mason, R. and  Hayes, A. (edited), ‘Migration and  Insecurity: Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Transnational Era’. London, Routledge, pp127-145.

Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V. (2012), ‘Introduction: The Presence and Visibility of Muslims in the West’. In Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V (edited) ‘‘Muslims in the West and the Challenges of Belonging’. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp1-9.

Mansouri, F. (2012), ‘Muslim Migration to Australia and the Question of Identity and Belonging’. In Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V. (edited) ‘Muslims in the West and the Challenges of Belonging’ (pp. 1-13).  Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp13-33.

Isakhan, B., Mansouri, F, and Akbarzadeh, S. (2012), ‘Introduction: People Power and the Arab Revolutions: towards a new conceptual framework of democracy in the middle East’. In Isakhan, B., Mansouri, F. and Akbarzadeh, S. (edited), ‘ The Arab Revolutions in context: Civil Society and Democracy in a Changing Middle east’. Melbourne University Press, pp1-20.

Akbarzadeh, S., Mansouri, F., Isakhan, B. (2012), ‘Conclusion: the Promises and Challenges of the Arab Spring’. In Isakhan, B., Mansouri, F. and Akbarzadeh, S. (edited), ‘ The Arab Revolutions in context: Civil Society and Democracy in a Changing Middle east’. Melbourne University Press, pp153-159.

Lobo, M and Mansouri, F. (2012), ‘’Hoops” and ‘Bridges’: Muslims and the Australian Way of Life’. In Mansouri, F. and Marotta, V. (edited) ‘Muslims in the West and the Challenges of Belonging’. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp114-133.

Mansouri, F. and Lobo, M. (2011), ‘Inroduction: Social inclusion- Exploring the concept’. In Mansouri, F. & Lobo, M. (Eds.), Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations. London, UK: Ashgate, pp1-10.

Mansouri, F.; Lobo, M.; and Latrache, R. (2011), 'Negotiating norms of inclusion: Comparative perspectives from Muslim community leadership in the West.' In Mansouri, F. and Lobo, M. (Eds.), Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations: looking through the lens of social inclusion. London, UK: Ashgate, pp129-139.

Kebler, J, Liebner, M. & Mansouri, F. (2011), ‘Teaching’. In Pienemann, M. and Kebler, J. (eds), ‘Studying Processability Theory’. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp149-156.

Mansouri. F. (2010), ‘Local governance, intercultural tension and the racialisation of Muslims in the West'. In Yasmeen, S. (edited) ‘‘Muslims in Australia: the Dynamics of Exclusion and Inclusion’, pp. 250-269, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.  

Mansouri, F. (2009), ‘Introduction: Contextualising migrant youth experiences in émigré societies’. In Mansouri, F. (edited, 2009), ‘Migrant youth: intercultural identity and social connectedness’, Common Ground Publishers, Melbourne. pp.1-8.

Mansouri, F. and Miller, M. (2009), ‘Migrant youth, cultural Identity and media representations’. In Mansouri, F. (edited, 2009), Youth identity and migration: culture, values and connectedness, Common Ground Publishing, Altona, Vic., pp. 45-62.

Mansouri, F. and Francis, S. (2009), 'Migrant youth, cultural adaptation and social policy'. In Mansouri, F. (edited, 2009), ‘Migrant youth: intercultural identity and social connectedness’, 11-24, Common Ground Publishers, Melbourne.

Mansouri, F. Jenkins, L. and Leach, M. (2009), 'Cultural diversity and migrant youth in secondary schools’. In Mansouri, F. (edited, 2009), ‘Migrant youth: intercultural identity and social connectedness’, 105-118, Common Ground Publishers, Melbourne.

Mansouri, F. & Akbarzadeh, S. (2008), ‘Political violence and the struggle for ideals’, in Mansouri, F. and Akbarzadeh, S. (edited; second edition), ‘Political Islam and Human Security’. Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, 1-4.

Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Transformative Pedagogies for Cultural Difference and Inclusive Schooling’. In Kassabgy, N. & Elshimi, A. (edited), Sustaining excellence in communicating across the curriculum: cross-institutional experiences and best practices. Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle UK, 164-189.

Mansouri, F. & Hakansson, G. (2007), ‘Conceptualising intra-stage sequencing in the learner language’, in Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Second language acquisition research: Theory construction and testing’. Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, 86-195.

Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Second language acquisition research: from theory formation to theory application’, in Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Second language acquisition research: Theory construction and testing’. Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, 1-12.

Akbarzadeh, S. & Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Contextualizing Neo-Islamism’. In Akbarzadeh, S. & Mansouri, F (edited), ‘Islam and Political Violence: Muslim Diaspora and Radicalism in the West’. I.B.Tauris Publishers: London/New York, 1-12.

Mansouri, F. (2006), ‘Middle Eastern Refugees in Fortress Australia’. In Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Australia and the Middle East: A Frontline Relationship’. I.B.Tauris Publishers: London/New York, pp. 85-100.

Mansouri, F. and Percival-Wood, S. (2006), ‘Exploring the Australia-Middle East Connection’. In Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Australia and the Middle East: A Frontline Relationship’. I.B.Tauris Publishers: London/New York, pp1-18.

Mansouri, F. and Sankari, J. (2006), ‘Australia’s Economic Interests in the Middle East and the Human Rights Challenge’. In Mansouri, F. (edited), ‘Australia and the Middle East: A Frontline Relationship’. I.B.Tauris Publishers: London/New York, pp. 169-190.

Mansouri, F. & Akbarzadeh, S. (2006), ‘Islamism and Political Violence in the world word order’, in Mansouri, F. and Akbarzadeh, S (edited), ‘Political Islam and Human Security’. Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, 3-14.

Mansouri, F. (2005), ‘Citizenship, identity and belonging in contemporary Australia’. In Akbarzadeh, S. & Yasmeen, S. (edited), Islam and the West: Reflections from Australia, UNSW Press, 114-132.

Mansouri, F. (2005), ‘Agreement morphology in Arabic as a second language: typological features and their processing implications’. In Pienemann, M. (edited), ‘Cross-linguistic Aspects of Processability Theory’. John Benjamins Publishers: Amsterdam, pp117-153.


Mansouri, F. & Leach, M. (2003), ‘Temporary protection of refugees: Australian policy and international comparisons’. In Critical Perspectives on Refugee Policy in Australia, pp103-113. Centre For Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR), Deakin University: Melbourne, Australia, 208p.

Mansouri, F. (2002), ‘Exploring the interface between syntax and morphology in second language development’. In Bruno Di Biase (edited), ‘Developing a second language’, pp59-73. Melbourne: Language Australia Publishers.


Major Research Monographs:

Mansouri, F., Lobo, M., Turner, B., Johns, A. and Kirpitchenko, L. (2016), ‘Islamic Religiosity in the West’. Deakin University, Melbourne.

Mansouri, F., Paradies, Y. & Ben-Moshe, D. (2016), ‘Assessing Cultural Diversity in the Arts Sector’. DU and Kultour Foundation, Melbourne.

Halse, C, Mansouri, F. et al (2015), Doing Diversity: Intercultural Understanding in Primary and Secondary Schools’. Research Report: An Australian Research Council Linkage Project.  Melbourne: Deakin University Publishing,  ISBN: 978-0-7300-0029-7

Mansouri, F., Ben-Moshe, D. & Johns, A. (2015), ‘Inter-generational relations in newly-arrived communities: a pilot study report’.  Deakin University: Melbourne.

Mansouri, F., Skrbis, Z. et al (2013), ‘Social Networks, Belonging and Active Citizenship among Migrant Youth in Australia’. Centre for Multicultural Youth: Melbourne.

Mansouri, F., Skrbis, Z. et al (2013), ‘Migrant Youth in Australia: Social Networking, Belonging and Active Citizenship’. A Summary Report. Centre for Multicultural Youth: Melbourne.

Mansouri, F., Jenkins, L., Morgan, L. & Taouk, M. (2009), ‘The impact of racism upon the health and wellbeing of young Australians’. Foundation for Young Australians: Melbourne 141pp.

Mansouri, F., Kenny, S. and Strong, C. (2007), ‘Promoting Intercultural Understanding in Australia: An Evaluation of Local Government Initiatives in Victoria’. Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR), Deakin University: Geelong 169pp.

Mansouri, F. (2006), ‘Asylum Seekers in Howard’s Australia: The Social and Economic Costs of Temporary Protection Visas’.  Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR), Deakin University: Geelong 198pp

Mansouri, F., Makhoul, C., Sankari, J., Christie, T. & Warren, B. (2006), ‘Mediation and Conflict Resolution among the Arabic-speaking Community in Melbourne’.  Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR), Deakin University: Geelong 169pp.

Kenny, S., Mansouri, F. & Spratt, P. (2005), ‘Arabic Communities and Well-Being: Supports and Barriers to Social Connectedness’. Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR), Deakin University: Geelong 120pp.

Mansouri, F. & Makhoul, C. (2004), ‘Arab-Australians in Victoria: Needs Assessment and Capacity Building’, Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR), Deakin University: Geelong 177pp.

Leach, M. & Mansouri, F. (2003), ‘Critical perspectives on refugee policy in Australia’. An edited volume, Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR), Deakin University: Melbourne, Australia, 208p.

Mansouri, F. & Bagdas, M. (2002), ‘Politics of Social Exclusion: Refugees on Temporary Protection Visa in Victoria’. Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights (CCHR), Deakin University: Geelong 119p.


Other Articles:


Mansouri, F, Ben-Moshe, D, & Paradies, Y 2016, ‘Measuring the participation of CALD artists in the mainstream arts sector’, Deakin University.

Mansouri, F, Ben-Moshe, D & Johns, A 2015, ‘Inter-generation relations in newly-arrived communities in Victoria: a pilot study report’, retrieved 2 September 2016, <>

Armillei, R and Mansouri, F. (2015), ‘Ethnic democracy, ‘boat people’ and authoritarian legacies in Australia and Italy's contemporary approaches to asylum seeking.'  Open Democracy.

Armillei, R and Mansouri, F. (2015), ‘Maintaining a strategic balance between the ‘West’ and the ‘Arab world’: The origin of Tunisia’s ‘exceptionalism’. Jadaliya magazine.

Mansouri, F, Tittensor, D & Armillei, R (2015), ‘Cultural diversity through informative action research: translating ideas into real impact’, in UNESCO (ed), Agree to differ, Tudor Rose Publishing, UK, pp. 61-64.

Mansouri, F (2014), ‘The global citizenship project: from words to action’, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Mansouri, F. (2013), ‘Schooling, Education and Migration’. In Immanuel Ness (edited), ‘Encyclopaedia of Global Human Migration’. London, UK: Wiley Publishers, Volume V, pp2701-2705.

Mansouri, F. (2012), ‘Structural barriers facing CALD youth in the education field’. Mosaic Magazine, The Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia (FECCA),  Issue 32 • Summer 2012/2013, p9-10.

Mansouri, F. (2012), ‘The Politics of the Anti-Islam Video and its Consequent Protests’. Opinion piece published by the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations Global Experts, 25 September 2012

Mansouri, F. (2011), ‘Searching for multicultural scapegoats’. Geelong Advertiser, 18 August2011, p:20.

Mansouri, F. (2011), ‘In people power, there is hope yet for the Middle East’. Crikey, 22 February 2011

Mansouri, F. (2011), ‘In people power, there is hope yet for the Middle East’. Opinion piece published by the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations Global Experts,  24 February 2011

Mansouri, F. (2011), ‘Hope yet for the Middle East: Mid East makes a stand’. Geelong Advertiser, 25 February 2011, p:22.

Mansouri, F. (2011), ‘Creating an Inclusive Australian National Identity’, The Australian Mosaic Magazine, no. 27, pp. 32-34, Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia, Canberra, AC

Ibrahim, H, P Sgro, Mansouri, F, & Jubb, C (2010), ‘Refugees’ labour market access in Australia’, Citizenship and Globalisation Research Papers, Issue 1, No. 4, pp. 84-116.

Mansouri, F, Jenkins, L, Morgan, L, & Taouk, M 2009, ‘The impact of racism upon the health and wellbeing of young Australians’,

Mansouri, F, Kenny, S, & Strong, C 2007, 'Promoting intercultural understanding in Australia: an evaluation of local government initiatives in Victoria', Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights, Deakin University.

Mansouri, F. (2007), ‘Cultural diversity as an educational advantage’, ETHOS, Term 3, pp315-18.

Mansouri, F. (2006), ‘[Review of] Human Rights in International Relations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (Forsythe, D. P., 2000; 247pp) and The Politics of Justice and Human Rights, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (Langlois, A. J., 2001; 214pp). Forum, the magazine of the Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights, Deakin University No. 46. pp.05-6

Mansouri, F. (2005), ‘[Review of] Language Processing and Acquisition on Languages of Semitic, Root-based, Morphology’’, Studies in Second Language Acquisition (SSLA), Cambridge University Press, Volume 27, Number 4, pp.644-645

Mansouri, F. (2004), ‘[Review of] A History of Islamic Societies’, I. Lapidus, Cambridge University Press, Forum, the magazine of the Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights, Deakin University No. 36 pp.08

Mansouri, F. (2003), ‘After Iraq: the effect of the war on the Middle East region’. The Big Issue Magazine, 14-29 April 2003, No. 175, pp.21-23

Mansouri, F. (2003), ‘A guide to the Arab-Israeli conflict’. The Big Issue Magazine, 28 April – 13 May 2003, No. 176, pp.16-19

Mansouri, F. (2003), ‘Are temporary protection visas racially discriminatory?’. Forum, the magazine of the Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights, Deakin University No. 33. pp.03.

Mansouri, F. (2002), ‘[Review of] Arab-Australians Today: Citizenship and Belonging’,  G. Hage (edited) Melbourne University Press, 2002, pp.290 Forum, the magazine of the Centre For Citizenship & Human Rights, Deakin University No. 32. p:07.

Mansouri, F. (2002), ‘[Review of] Language Processing and Second Language Development’, Book Review, Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL),vol. 25, No.1, pp190-193.

Mansouri, F. (2002), ‘The recent legislative changes and the further erosion of refugees’ rights’. Forum, the magazine of the Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights, Deakin University No. 29. pp:6-8.

Mansouri, F. (2001), ‘The introduction of the Temporary Protection Visa for on-shore asylum seekers and the challenges for community associations’. Forum, the magazine of the Centre for Citizenship & Human Rights, Deakin University No. 26. pp.3-5.

Mansouri, F. (2001), ‘The social and religious implications of inter-religious marriages in Egypt involving Muslim women’. Report commissioned for the Refugee Review Tribunal, Melbourne, pp.1-3.

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